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NetCell-IT - your experts for IT services

With over 20 years of experience, we are your reliable partner for all IT needs.

Welcome to NetCell-IT, your expert for comprehensive IT services. With over 20 years of experience, we offer powerful web hosting, secure domain registration and management, professional server housing, reliable security certificates, efficient cloud backup solutions, advanced email anti-spam services and specialized WordPress hosting. With our customized IT solutions, you can expand your IT infrastructure, increase availability and protect your data. Trust NetCell-IT to strengthen your digital presence and keep your data safe. Contact us for a free consultation and find out how we can optimize your IT.

Web hosting

Our web hosting services offer you powerful and stable platforms for your websites and online applications. Benefit from fast loading times, high availability and first-class support.

Reseller web hosting

Our reseller web hosting solutions give you the opportunity to offer your customers high-quality white label web hosting services without having to worry about the technical infrastructure.

Email antispam

Our web hosting services offer you powerful and stable platforms for your websites and online applications. Benefit from fast loading times, high availability and first-class support.

Acronis BAAS

Back up your data reliably today with our Acronis backup cloud solutions. Our services provide you with secure storage and quick access to your data to prevent loss and corruption.

Domains & DNS

Manage your online presence with our domain and DNS service. Register your desired domain and use our powerful DNS management tools for optimal accessibility of your websites.

Server housing

Use our server housing for secure and professional accommodation of your servers in our state-of-the-art data centers. We offer you maximum security, reliability and 24/7 monitoring.

SSL certificates

We offer you a variety of SSL certificates for different security requirements to encrypt the communication of your websites and build trust with your users.

Plesk Licenses

Manage your web servers efficiently with our affordable, freely usable Plesk rental licenses. Plesk offers a user-friendly interface for managing websites, domains, databases and email accounts.

Secure IT solutions for your company

Protect your data, optimize your online presence and always stay reachable.

Why NetCell IT?

Over 20+ years of experience
Over 20 years of experience in the IT industry guarantee you in-depth expertise and reliable solutions.
Reliability and security:
We rely on the highest security standards and ensure a stable IT infrastructure.
Customer Support
Our dedicated support team is available 24/7 to answer your questions and resolve issues quickly.
Our solutions are individually customizable and grow with your requirements.

Contact us today for a free consultation!

A small selection of our satisfied customers